321 Junior Team Challenge Report
The intracule playing of the 321 Junior events took place at Norwood Park GC on Sunday 18th June.
This is the first time 3 separate competitions took place in one event.
The Lamplugh Trophy, a club team event where the top 3 scores from each club not only win the trophy but go onto represent Nottinghamshire in the Junior Champion Club finals later in the season.
The winners were as follows:
1st team – George Foster from Norwood Park GC, total points 125
Oliver Crump
Ethan Shields
2nd team – Charlie Cooke from Newark GC, total points 108
Louis Cooke
Alfie Sperke
3rd team – Isaac Moore from Worksop GC, total points 105
Nathan Beeston
Toby Smith
We also have a pairs competition called the Wardman Trophy, for the first time unless requested this was a random draw.
The winners were:
1st place – Ethan Shields from Norwood Park GC, combined total points 84
George Foster
2nd place – Thomas Bamford from Norwood Park GC, combined total
points 74
3rd place – Nathan Philpotts from ROT GC
Amelia Hogg from Sherwood Forest GC, combined total points 73
The final competition ids the new Stan Yeomans Singles competition, this salver is in recognition of previous county Junior Chair of Junior Golf Stanley Yeomans, who’s sterling work in that role has been quite rightly recognised.
The winners were:
1st place – George Foster from Norwood Park GC who scores 46 points
2nd place – Nathan Philpotts from ROT GC who scores 42 points
3rd place – Oliver Crump from Norwood Park GC who scored 41 points
Special thanks to Norwood Park GC in hosting the event. The course was in excellent shape and the welcome and serving was second to none.

from Norwood Park
George Foster
Oliver Crump
Ethan Shields

Ethan Shields
George Foster

George Foster