Who Can Get A County Card?

Every member of an affiliated golf club in Nottinghamshire who is over the age of 18 and pays an affiliation fee to the Nottinghamshire Union of Golf Clubs or Nottinghamshire Ladies Golf Association is entitled to a Nottinghamshire County card free of charge .


county card rules

  • Every  member of a Nottinghamshire affiliated Golf Club, over the age of 18 at January 1 st , is required to pay an annual affiliation fee to the Nottinghamshire Union of Golf Clubs or Ladies Golf Association. This affiliation fee is reviewed and agreed annually.
  • In October 2014 the Executive of the Nottinghamshire Union of Golf Clubs agreed that the ‘Nottinghamshire County Card’ will be provided free of charge to every affiliation fee paying member of a Nottinghamshire affiliated club. This will be distributed through the Club Secretary/Club Manager of each affiliated Club.
  • The Nottinghamshire County Card will be valid from the 1st April each year until March 31st the following year.
  • A valid County card will be distinguished by a photograph of the current County course on the front. Each card is numbered and requires personal information to be completed on the rear. Failure to complete this information will render the card invalid.
  • A card holder may be required to provide additional identification when using the card.
  • The County card is non-transferable and non -replaceable in any current year.
  • Whilst each participating club agrees to accept card holders, the discount and conditions of play offered is entirely at the discretion of the host Club. Discounts and conditions of play should be checked with the host club when arranging a visit.
  • Card holders may play once a year at any of the listed Clubs, albeit many clubs gladly welcome return visits.
  • The ‘Nottinghamshire County Card’ is available to Lady members of affiliated Clubs Free of Charge.
  • The County Card is not available to Juniors under the age of 18 at January 1 st who do not pay an affiliation fee.

What does it mean for Affiliated Clubs?

  • All affiliated Clubs of the Nottinghamshire Union of Golf Clubs will receive County cards for distribution to affiliated members. All affiliated members are entitled to a County Card irrespective of whether the club is a participating club or not.
  • The number of cards supplied to each club will be based upon affiliation numbers from the previous year.  Additional cards will be supplied on request but additional Affiliation fees must be paid to the Union.
  • Cards supplied to affiliated Clubs for distribution to affiliated members will be sequentially numbered. The Nottinghamshire Union of Golf Clubs requests that Club Secretarys/Club Managers maintain a record of the card number (on the rear of the card) supplied to an individual member.
  • The decision to be a ‘participating Club’ in the County card scheme is entirely at the discretion of an individual club. Similarly, the discounts given and conditions of play are at the discretion of a participating club.
  • County Cards are non transferable and will not be replaced if lost.

We thank all Nottinghamshire Clubs for their support for this initiative and wish all affiliated members enjoyable golf.

Where can I play?

The majority of England County Golf Clubs have agreed to a reciprocal arrangement with other participating clubs in the county card scheme. A full list of these clubs appears below. Conditions as above continue to apply.